HSE Risk Management in Petro Rabigh follows
the Company Risk Management Policy. The HSE
Risk Management framework involves; hazard
identication, risk analysis & evaluation, risk
treatment, monitoring & review, and communication.
Key terms & denitions with relevance to HSE Risk
Management are listed below;
Hazard: An agent with the potential to cause harm
to people, damage to assets, or an impact on the
environment or reputation.
Hazard Identication: A structured and systematic
team-based brainstorming technique, based on
review of a Hazard Checklist to identify potential
HSE hazards and effects.
Hazard Register: A list of the Hazards that are
associated with an Asset, facility or activity, together
with their potential effect and assessed risks.
Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM): A tool used to
assess the Consequence and Risks of Hazards.
The results are referred to as a RAM Severity rating
and a RAM Risk rating (See Figure 5).
Risk: The combination of the Consequence of a
specic Hazard being released and the Likelihood
of it happening.
Risk Assessment: The process of identifying the
Consequence of the Worst-Case Credible Scenario
arising from the release of a Hazard, and estimating
the Likelihood of that scenario.
Risk Management Overview
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely
A similar outcome
has never
occurred in the
A similar
outcome has
occurred in the
industry, but not
in Petro Rabigh.
A similar outcome
has occurred in
Petro Ra bigh or
more tha n once
per yea r in the
A similar outcome
has occurred
more tha n once
per yea r but at
different pl ants /
si tes of Petro
Rabi gh.
A similar outcome
has oc curred more
than once per year
at specific plant /
site within Petro
Rabi gh.
Has n't happened
in the indus try i n
the la st 50 years
Could have
happened in the
last 20-30 years
Could have
happened in the
last 5-10 years
Could have
happened within
the la st 5 years
Could have
happened once or
more duri ng la st
Health & Safety Environment Legal & Regulatory Compliance
Project Delivery
(Project Value > US$4M)
Reputation Financial Impact
#A B C D E
Multiple worker fatalities or
single public fatality resulting
from an accident or
occupational illness (poisoning,
Severe and permanent
impac t on ma ny
attributes of the
environment in large
public areas
Inability to comply with laws, regulations
and/or contracts resulting in substantially
material losses. Regulatory sanction,
prosec ution or prolonged multiple
- Litigation or prosecution with damages
greater than US$15MM
- One or more Pla nts c ompletely stopped
by the regul ator(s) for noncomplianc e or
legal issues.
Project having financial
impact of more than $150MM
/ yea r due to:
- Missing major milestones
- Cost overruns
- Failure to achieve the
designed performance levels
International Impact
Serious international impact and public
attention, i.e. extensive adverse
coverage in the international media with
potentially s evere impact on licenses.
Effect will spread internationally and
affect other indus try players . C ould
affect founding s harehol ders' reputation
and financials.
Financial loss or
inc rea sed c os t (or
saving s opportunity)
greater than
US$150MM / year
Single worker fatality or
permanent total disability or
serious injury to public
resulting from an accident or
occupational illness (poisoning,
Negative impact on the
environment with l ong
term recovery and
repeated non
Major breach of l aw, contract or
regulation. External investigation(s),
significant regulatory sanction(s) or major
- Litigation or prosecution with damages
from US$1.5 MM to US$15 MM
- One Pl ant tempora ril y s hut down a nd/or
sl owed down for noncompl iance or l egal
Project having financial
impact ranging from
US$50MM to US$150MM /
year due to:
- Missing major milestones
- Cost overruns
- Failure to achieve the
designed performance levels
National Impact
Significant national impact and public
concern, i.e. extensive adverse attention
in the national media. Effect could last a
few months a nd li kely to sprea d to c lose
indus try partners . It may a ffect founding
shareholders. Could res ult i n dec reas e of
public s harehol ders support.
Financial loss or
inc rea sed c os t (or
saving s opportunity)
rang ing from
US$50MM to
US$150MM / year
Serious injuries or heal th
effects or permanent partial
disability affecting work
performanc e on the long term,
as well as Lost Time Injury (LTI:
absences, irreversible health
damag e, c hronic c ondition
Reversible impact on
the environment but
frequent non
Serious breach of la w, c ontract or
regulation. Moderate fines / litigation,
requi ring reporting to reg ulator(s)
- Litigation or prosecution with damages
from US$150K to US$1.5 MM
- Plant downg raded or havi ng reduced
throughput for noncompli ance or leg al
Project having financial
impact ranging from
US$10MM to US$50MM / year
due to:
- Missing major milestones
- Cost overruns
- Failure to achieve the
designed performance levels
Considerable impact
Adverse attention in local media or from
local government and various action
groups. Could result in decrea se of public
shareholders s upport.
Financial loss or
inc rea sed c os t (or
saving s opportunity)
rang ing from
US$10MM to
US$50MM / year
Minor inj uries or health effects
or Reversible effects (Medical
Treatment) res ulting weeks to
months recovery time wi thout
loss time injury.
Impact limited to the
surrounding but short
term a nd revers ible
Minor breach of law, contract or regulation
where mild regulatory sanction or minor
- Litigation or prosecution with damages
from US$$15K to US$150K
Project having financial
impact ranging from US$2MM
to US$10MM / year due to:
- Missing major milestones
- Cost overruns
- Failure to achieve the
designed performance levels
Limited Impact
Some local media / political attention.
Effect will last a few days only.
Conce rns on performance rais ed by
Financial loss or
inc rea sed c os t (or
saving s opportunity)
rang ing fro m US$2 MM
to US$10MM / year
Slight i njury or health eff ects /
short- term eff ects (First Aid
Case) resulting days to weeks
recove ry time without l oss time
Impact limited to fenc e
area (manufa cturing
Low-level legal or business ethics is sue.
Litigation or regulatory sanction unlikely.
- Litigation or prosecution with damages
less than US$15K
Project having financial
impact less than US$2MM /
year due to:
- Missing major milestones
- Cost overruns
- Failure to achieve the
designed performance levels
Slight Impact:
Sli ght impa ct - no publi c c oncern
Financial loss or
inc rea sed c os t (or
saving s opportunity)
less than US$2MM /
* "Sign off Authori ty" means that the Func tion & Department level ris ks s hall be reviewed and a pproved by the res pective manag ement authori ties as per C urrent Res idual ris k le vels; whereas the Corporate risk regis ter or corporate ri sks shal l be revie wed and approved by Pres ident & CEO
Potentia l to impact busine ss plan and pe rformanc e obje ctives , but does not mandate an immediate attention of ma nagement. Ris k reducti on meas ures shal l be planned and documented
May not directly impact the objectives and KPIs of the organization, but risk(s) need(s) to be re-appraised to take into account changing objectives and circumstances; Periodic management review is required to ass ess impact;
Correction(s) may be applied as resources allow.
Sig noff by Department Mana ger
Sig noff by Department Mana ger
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
Fundamentally undermines the ability to achieve core business / program objectives, leading to severe financial impact and erosion of value; Immediate action shall be taken to lower the risk.
Potential to adversely impact the strategic objectives of the company for achieving sustainable profitable growth; Needs immediate attention of management and Immediate action shall be taken to lower the risk.
Signoff by President & CEO
Petro Rabigh Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)
Management Signoff Authority